We’re thrilled you’ve joined our WISE community and we can’t wait for you to see our new website!
WISE stands for Workforce Integration Support and Education. We are the newest program offered through Norcal MHA and are funded by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Our goal is to help employers in California’s public mental health system recruit and retain consumer and family member staff through genuine workforce integration.
The new website offers various tools and resources that can be utilized by the consumer and public. Some of the tools and resources we offer include:peer and employer trainings through out our 5 W.E.T regions, webinars, conferences, downloadable information, warmlines and outreach.
Peer and Employer Trainings, Webinars and Conferences throughout our 5 W.E.T regions
Downloadable Content
Resource Links
Explore, look around, download some free content! After doing so, please be sure to leave us a comment and let us know of any ways we can improve our website.