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Wise Wednesday: The 'F-word' you must use every day in your career

Let me start this column with the main point front and center.

If you're not willing to employ the "F-word" in business every single day (no exceptions), then you won't find success. It's impossible.

See, the "F-word" is the secret ingredient that drives projects forward and ensures you will, in time, realize your career goals.

By the same token, the "F-word" is the most grueling, painstaking and demanding aspect of building something special from the ground up. When you wake up in the morning, it's right there at the top of the to-do list. It never goes away.

But every time you "follow up," you bring yourself ... (Oh, wait. You thought I meant the *other* "F-word?" Get your mind out of the gutter!)

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